Destiny Analysis Using Ba Zi (八字)
Methodology: Ba Zi Analysis
To understand your favourable element(s), colours, shapes, directions and your auspicious numbers.
To learn about your luck cycle, which can be used to decide if you should embark on an endeavour e.g. to see if it is the right time for you to start a business, whether it is an appropriate time to get married, etc. Your luck for the next coming years will also be analysed in greater detail.
To learn about major movements in your life e.g. to see if you will meet with a job switch or relocation in the current year.
To understand your individual personality, your strengths and weaknesses.
To receive advice on your wealth, health, career, and/or relationship-related matters.
For the singles, a Flower of Romance (桃花) analysis will be included.
What You Need to Provide:
Your date and time of birth (either solar or lunar date is fine)
Your name and contact number
Indicate your area of concern that you would like Master Lim to focus on e.g. Career? Romance? Wealth? Health?
Indicate your preferred appointment schedule or you prefer to do an online reading.
Call/Contact us to make an appointment, or inform us if you would like to do an online reading.
Scheduled appointment – One-to-one consultation at CHANG’s premise. Our Feng Shui Master, Master Lim Eng Cheong, will share with you a detailed report on your personal Destiny Analysis. A copy of the report will be provided for you.
Duration of Consultation: Approximately 45 minutes
"Price for Destiny Analysis"

To make an appointment, please call 6775 1638 or email: , or send an online request.